Collection: Customer Love.
A collection of our most popular videos about customer loyalty and how to make your best customers your real brand ambassadors.
Our customers are at the center of everything we do. And we know yours are important to you too. From the outset, we’ve been building marketing tools to help you nurture your relationship with your customers and build a diverse, inclusive brand WITH them. In our Customer Love collection we have gathered three of our most popular videos about customer loyalty and how you can turn your customers into real, authentic brand ambassadors; helping you grow your business and contributing to a better world where we strive for inclusion, not influence.
The future of marketing is inclusion, not influence
People are craving authenticity. They want realness. Consumers desire genuine interactions with you. Inclusive marketing is the future, and brands who integrate this in promoting their products can be one step ahead of the game.
Inclusive marketing means real relationships and trust between two parties. It’s being kind and open enough to welcome a diverse set of customers and actually give them the chance to make their opinions be heard.
Build a real brand for real people. Give your customers an equal chance to represent what your brand stands for – kindness, trust, and equality. Make them your real, genuine and authentic brand ambassadors.
If you’re interested in learning more about how you can make your marketing more inclusive, you can check out the Brand Trust Platform that we recently released here at CM Commerce.
5 Clever tactics to get more product reviews
We’ve talked a lot on previous videos about how social proof can help you build credibility and trust in your brand and ultimately encourage sales.
In the following video we discuss 5 clever tactics that will help you to get more product reviews.
- Have an omnipresent on-website prompt for customers who are browsing your website.
- In one-on-one conversations, simply ask for a review.
- Implement periodic, bulk review requests.
- Use incentives – coupons or loyalty points.
- Let your best customers know where their reviews are being showcased. It’ll make their day.
6 Simple email automation tricks to grow customer loyalty
Customers will spend more as their trust in the relationship grows. Over time, loyal customers spend 67% more than new ones.
The key here is using automated email marketing to grow customer loyalty via your rewards program – and once you’ve done this, focus more on your most loyal customers so you can generate more profit over the long run.
We’ve gathered some prime techniques out of implementing CM Commerce’s integration with our awesome friends over at . As long as you have a rewards program in place, you can apply these tactics with most email service providers.
R: Remind your customers of their rewards data in every email you send them, especially in newsletters.
E: Email a post-purchase message to your new customers.
W: Want to take this further? Send a referral link to repeat customers who are members of your rewards program.
A: Automate your abandoned cart recovery campaign by segmenting and sending an email only to rewards customers.
R: Reward points in exchange for product reviews.
D: Different kinds of tiers within your rewards program? Remind your customers how many points they need to get to the next level.
Some of the highlights from these episodes:
Build a real brand for real people. Give your customers the equal chance to represent what your brand stands for: kindness, trust and equality.
You know your business is on the right path if your customers market your product for you – even if you didn’t ask them to.
If you’re selling a product and its page doesn’t have any reviews, you’re missing out on thousands of potential revenue.
Use the “feel-good factor” to make your customers more involved with your brand.
The sooner you can get your first-time customer to join your rewards program, the more you can reward them for doing business with you. More rewards for customers = more inclined to buy from you.
61% of online shoppers abandon their carts because of extra costs such as shipping fees. Encourage your rewards members to use their points to offset shipping fee.
Photo by Renee Fisher on Unsplash