Privy now supports CM Commerce custom fields!

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Good news! Our Privy integration just got better.

You can now add custom fields to your Privy forms so you can learn more about your subscribers and use CM Commerce to segment and target them. Using text, date and multiple choice options, you can subscribe your customers quickly and easily while getting to know more about them.

Here’s a few ideas for how to use custom properties with your Privy subscriber popups:

Wish subscribers a happy birthday

By collecting birthdays from your subscribers using your Privy forms, you can send them birthday greetings and even offer them a special discount to celebrate.

We can help you get this set up quickly and easily by using one of our pre-made Birthday recipes for Workflows. With our recipe’s segments and targeted email campaigns already set up for you, all you need to do is switch your new birthday recipe on! We’ll take care of the rest for you.

One of our birthday workflows segmented by customer type (each one gets a different discount depending on how many times they’ve shopped with you)
An example of one of our birthday emails

Create an email preferences opt-in

Keep all your subscribers in one CM Commerce list and use an email preferences opt-in to learn what your subscribers want to hear about. By adding a “Multiple Select (Checkboxes)” field to your Privy form, you can allow your subscribers to opt into as many types of emails as they want!

When you give customers options on what they want to hear about, you’ll get higher engagement, because you’re only sending them things they’re interested in.

You can use the an email preference opt-in effectively by building custom segments within CM Commerce for newsletters and workflows.

Target your product marketing by learning about age groups or gender

You could also use Privy’s dropdown for questions about your subscribers’ age group or gender to create emails recommending specific products.

For instance, if you are a children’s clothing store and have a new selection of boy’s toddler trousers in stock, you might want to only send a sales flash to customers who have children of that age.

You can a create segments of these customers and use them in CM Commerce’s newsletters and workflows. For each targeted campaign, you can use our Custom Products content block to quickly insert a product, customise the picture and add its purchase link easily.

Ready to get started?

Privy’s custom fields are available as part of their free and paid plans, so there’s never been a better time to give it a try.

Get 25% off Privy for 3 months!

We’ve teamed up with the Privy team to get a special offer for all CM Commerce customers. When signing up for a Privy account, use the coupon code CMCOMMERCE to get 25% off any of their paid plans for your first 3 months. Sounds like a sweet deal.
Get your Privy account (and discount) now!

Check out our docs on how you can set up custom fields with Privy & CM Commerce.

Get more help mapping custom fields in Privy.

Lean more about adding the birthday field to a Privy form.