Announcing Feedback: Post-Purchase Customer Engagement
We’re very excited to announce of a brand-new feature: Feedback, a tool to get engage customers and get feedback immediately after their purchase.
Since our launch in November, we’ve grown significantly and are sending more than a 100x receipts now than back then. We’ve also learnt two key things in these 3 months:
- Across all of our customers, we’ve seen average open rates for receipts in excess of 70%; and
- We’ve tracked some form of engagement of more than 10% on average.
Both of those compare very favourable against MailChimp’s industry benchmarks for Ecommerce email marketing, where open and engagement rates are 17% & 2.7% respectively. (On top of that, we also know that we are generating additional revenue for our customers.)
Whilst it feels like we’re on the cusp of discovering and learning some incredibly exciting things, one thing is already certain: email receipts are a viable communication channel that drives quantifiable value for Ecommerce stores.
That’s why we decided to build Feedback; it was a way in which we could further leverage this communication (marketing) opportunity that email receipts presents.
Feedback works in a very simple way: ask your customers whether they had a good or bad experience with the option to capture further comments on that. The functionality and UI is specifically aimed at speed, which means either doubling-down on a positive experience or immediately rectifying a bad one. In that sense this is an universal truth: Last impressions last.
We didn’t design Feedback to replace any existing communication channel; just like CM Commerce (previously Receiptful) doesn’t replace any existing marketing channel, technique or strategy. Instead we want to augment what you’re already doing by leveraging a previously missed opportunity.
Note to current customers: You can just log into your CM Commerce (previously Receiptful) dashboard and enable Feedback (for free) to start using it immediately. Enjoy! 🙂